Mainstream Investing

Thoughts on Investing

Join us as we discuss our perspectives on today's investing environment. We hope that this blog provides you with more ideas to discuss with your own adviser(s), and helps you consider a broader range of possibilities that could be right for you.

Market Volatility in the Third Quarter

The third quarter was interesting to say the least. With the recent market volatility, we’ve received a lot of questions… Continue reading

October 2, 2015

March Madness in the Housing Market

The housing market has slowly been on the rise since its crash in 2009. With the most recent sequester being enacted by the government an adverse affect on the housing market could result. Continue reading

March 7, 2013

The Justice Department is going after McGraw-Hill, S&P for ‘Egregious’ Conduct

The U.S. is seeking as much as $5 billion in penalties from McGraw-Hill Cos. and its Standard & Poor’s unit… Continue reading

February 6, 2013

Financial planning ideas for the coming year from The Wall Street Journal

Looking ahead to a revised financial plan for 2010? In the spirit of the season, The Wall Street Journal currently… Continue reading

December 7, 2009

Purchasing a foreclosure property? Consider the impact of possible liens.

The Washington Post has an excellent answer to a reader question in its “Real Estate Matters” section.  The reader is… Continue reading

November 2, 2009

Splitting your rollover: double your flexibility

Considering a rollover of your 401(k), but debating your choices for where to set up your rollover account? If you’re… Continue reading

August 19, 2009

Could it have happened to you?

If you’ve heard about the New York Times story, you already know the topline: one of the Times’ own economics reporters… Continue reading

June 12, 2009

Experts warn against stocks that can’t be valued and CD returns of 0%. But, where’s the alternative advice?

Not surprisingly, financial journalists are correctly pointing out the weaknesses of typical investments like public stocks, CDs and interest-bearing bank… Continue reading

April 29, 2009