
This Could Be the Right Time for You - July 22, 2011

Have you ever considered the connection between the real estate market and trust deed investing?  With declining prices in the housing market not only is it a good time to buy and invest in real estate but also to diversify your portfolio.  This might sound contradictory but this article “The Week in Housing: Lower Rates, Negative Equity, and Homeowners Confidence” by Ryan Hinricher, proves otherwise. This article includes a recent survey given by Genworth Financial, which reports that Americans have confidence in the affordability of housing prices. The results of the survey consisted of the following:

  • 62% felt that now is a good time to buy a home.
  • 82% of those feeling now was a good time to buy a home said there was a good supply of property and home prices were low.

Since there is such high homeowner confidence why is there not more purchasing activity? Perhaps it is because of high unemployment rates. Unemployment could be the reason why most people are not considering purchasing at this current time. The article claims that  “While the survey shows that optimism exists due to low interest rates, available inventory, and low costs, people are still stressed about the economy and their own finances.”

Even though economic woes are perfectly understandable, if you are in position where you can afford to expand your portfolio it would be worth your while to consider trust deed investments. This is an opportune time to take advantage of historically low housing prices. Sterling Pacific is currently making loans to real estate investors who are purchasing at this time. If you are considering investing please visit Sterling Pacific’s website at

For more information about the article go to BiggerPockets blog.

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